June Is Pride Month In Lansdale Borough

Happy June 1 and Happy Pride Month!

As Lansdale Borough Mayor, this week I have signed an official proclamation recognizing Pride Month here in the Borough of Lansdale.

Pride is an important part of every community and culture in the world, and it is critical to celebrate with our LGBTQ+ friends to show that we value their contributions and passions for our community, that we know the fight for equality is ongoing and that we stand beside them steadfastly. Lansdale is a great place to call home, not only because of our diversity but also because we celebrate that diversity.

As a community, we stand together and support one another so that everyone knows they are welcome and valued. I am excited to celebrate Pride Month with all of you.

My proclamation reads:  

WHEREAS, the Borough of Lansdale cherishes the value and dignity of each person and appreciates the importance of equality and freedom; and

WHEREAS, all are welcome in the Borough of Lansdale to live, work, play, and every family, in any shape, deserves a place to call home where they are safe, happy, and supported by friends and neighbors; and

WHEREAS, the Borough of Lansdale denounces prejudice and unfair discrimination based on age, gender identity, gender expression, race, color, religion, marital status, national origin, sexual orientation, or physical attributes as an affront to our fundamental principles; and

WHEREAS, Pride month began in June of 1969 on the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising in New York City after LGBTQ+ and allied friends rose up and fought against the constant police harassment and discriminatory laws that have since been declared unconstitutional; and

WHEREAS, the Borough of Lansdale appreciates the cultural, civic, and economic contributions of lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, plus (LGBTQ+) community which strengthen our social welfare; and

WHEREAS, it is imperative that all people in our community, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression, feel valued, safe, empowered, and supported by their peers and community leaders; and

WHEREAS, despite being marginalized, LGBTQ+ people continue to celebrate authenticity, acceptance, and love.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Garry Herbert, Mayor of Lansdale Borough do hereby proclaim June to be LGBTQ+ PRIDE MONTH, in our Borough


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