State Of The Police Department Presentation

This evening, I will have the honor to present to council and the public the annual report on the state of our Lansdale Police Department. This report is a chance to celebrate the progress we have made over the last 12 months, while also outlining the priorities for the months ahead.

Below is a sample of what the Chief Trail and I will share with council during the report:

2020, undoubtedly, was one of the most challenging years on record for our community, for our government, and for our police department. Only a year ago, in this very report, we celebrated our commitment to Emergency Management through the addition of our Emergency Manager Rick Lesniak and the expansion of our emergency training protocols. Little did we know that our commitment to this endeavor would be tested so completely only one month later.

Throughout this pandemic, our Lansdale Police Department has remained steadfast in their service and commitment to our community while embracing new health protocols so that their intrepid work can continue. Their hard work, passion, and dedication to the safety and wellbeing of our community cannot be overstated. We thank them for their continued efforts, and we thank Rick Lesniak, and everyone engaged in the ongoing emergency management process, for helping us navigate these turbulent times.

Despite the challenges the pandemic has brought to bear on all of us, our department remains committed to being a community focused police department that sees itself as the guardians of our community and a shield to those in need. This is opposed to the warrior mentality that, sadly, has dominated police departments across the country for far too long. This changed mindset and culture has resulted in a true partnership with the community and some of the lowest crime rates Lansdale has seen in more than a decade. 

While crime is down across most categories, mental health calls increased 88% year over year. While not surprising due to the pandemic, this statistic is concerning. I encourage everyone to renew their focus on maintaining their health both in body and mind to ensure a healthy lifestyle. I know this is not always easy and the pressure the pandemic has added to the challenges of depression, anxiety, and many other mental health challenges is only compounding the problem.

All of us need to make sure we are talking, regularly, to family members and mental health professionals about the challenges and pressure we are all feeling. Anyone currently struggling with mental health issues: please do not struggle in silence. You are not alone in feeling these pressures and we all understand just how challenging of a time it is. 

It is my hope that many of you will join us for the presentation on Wednesday at the Borough Council meeting at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom to see the full report. Our Lansdale Police Department is a critical part of our community and how we can work together to continue to improve it long into the future for all the residents of Lansdale.


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