Update On Veteran Grave Marker Thefts From Lansdale Cemetery

I am happy to announce that our community has come together to help correct the frustrating — and frankly, disheartening — theft of veteran grave markers in our community cemetery.

Over the last 24 hours, the Lansdale VFW, the Lansdale Historical Society and I have been discussing how we can make sure veterans are commemorated with the appropriate markers as soon as possible. Within hours of the VFW committing to raising funds for the replacement markers, several generous and dedicated community members reached out to the VFW committing to paying for the replacement of the markers.

Looking forward, the VFW and the Historical Society will be working together to order and place the markers in advance of Founder’s Day (assuming delivery is on time).

I cannot tell you how heartwarming and appreciative I am of everyone who has stepped up to support the replacement of these markers. Additionally, the outpouring of support for our veterans is deeply appreciated. While the crime committed against our deceased veterans is, and will always be, wildly unacceptable, it warms my heart to see just how passionate and caring Lansdale is. This is who our community is at our core. We care for one another, we support one another, and we will work together to right wrongs when they occur.

The investigation of the theft is ongoing, and I remain hopeful that we will be able to identify the individuals involved in this crime. Regardless of finding those involved, Lansdale has shown that we are better than they could ever be. We are united as a community, and we will stand for one another in moment’s notice.

Thank you to the VFW and the Historical Society for their intrepid work on this issue, and thank you Lansdale for being an amazing community. I am honored to stand arm in arm with all of you!


2021 Lansdale Mardi Gras Parade


Dozens Of Military Veteran Grave Markers Stolen From Lansdale Cemetery