Vaccinations And Hope

This past weekend, Lansdale played host to multiple mass vaccination events for our community and the greater North Penn area. I cannot speak highly enough of the teams of volunteers and professionals that are working so hard to ensure people are vaccinated so that we can, one day, put this whole pandemic behind us once and for all.

Over the weekend around 2,000 people were vaccinated between events at Trinity Lutheran and the North Penn Mosque, providing critical access to the vaccine for people in and around the area. While the vaccine rollout has been a challenge across much of the commonwealth and the rest of the county, it is refreshing and hopeful to see so many people get vaccinated in a short amount of time. Specifically, Dr. Mayank Amin and the team at Skippack Pharmacy have been all over the North Penn area trying to help as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, and it is heartwarming to see their dedication to fighting this pandemic.

However, we are not at the end of this pandemic yet. We still need thousands more people vaccinated before we can fully reemerge from this health crisis. It is my understanding that in the coming weeks, the county will be attempting to vaccinate 1,000 people every day for two weeks in the Lansdale area to dramatically increase the number of vaccinated people and stem the tide of a fourth wave.

I cannot say this enough: if you have the chance to get vaccinated, please do so. The task ahead of us is already herculean in size and the only way we can achieve it is to embrace the reality that everyone needs to be vaccinated. Refusing, or delaying, to receive a vaccination only makes the challenge more difficult for everyone in our community and our commonwealth.

Additionally, as more people get vaccinated, and our communities continue to slowly re-open, it is important to continue to adhere to the CDC guidelines and the rules around gatherings. While you might be vaccinated, others may not have received their shot yet. Please maintain the CDC practices throughout our reemergence transition to help contain the spread of any COVID variations that are currently finding their way throughout the country.

We are almost there. We can see the finish line. As any good coach would tell you, do not slow down because you see the line. Run through the tape and push yourself right to the very end. Together we can end this horrific pandemic and begin to rebuild our community, our businesses and ourselves. We have come to far to ease off now.

I am so proud of everyone in our community and the grit everyone has shown throughout this pandemic. I am in awe of you all every day, and the way we have persevered. Let’s keep going. Let’s end this right so we can move beyond COVID-19 and into a better, more-healthy future.


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