A Few Tricks To Maximize Treats This Halloween

Let us dispel with the obvious first: Halloween is not cancelled. If parents and kids want to participate in Halloween, they are welcome to participate in whatever way makes them feel most comfortable.

However, there are a few important notes and suggestions that need to be kept in mind this year, because we are still in the midst of a serious pandemic that has not — and is not — going away within the next few days or even the next few months.

The following are suggestions, not rules. Each parent/family can and should make their own decisions on how to participate in this community event. Additionally, we are all relying on each other to keep one another safe. We need to value the health of those around as much as we value our own health.

1. Handing out candy. If you decide to hand out candy at your house this year, please consider the best way to hand out candy without coming into close contact with people on a regular basis. Leaving the bowl of candy at the top of the steps might be a good solution to handing something to people.

Additionally, if you can, leave a bottle of hand sanitizer out for people to use if they need it. These steps will ensure a socially distanced space where kids and families can participate in a safe way. If you are outside waiting for kids (even if it is to just see the costumes) please wear a mask.

2. Receiving candy. Families and kids that are out celebrating also need to try and maintain safety protocols during this pandemic. Often during Halloween, kids will line up at a house waiting their turn for candy, so please try to keep a safe social distance from one another. (I recognize that this might be difficult, but let’s do the best we can.)

Additionally — and this should not be too hard on Halloween, please always wear a mask. Finally, I would highly recommend kids/parents wear gloves while trick or treating this year. Many children like to sift through the candy bowl to find the things they like. By wearing gloves, we can allow kids to be kids without contaminating the whole bowl of goodies.

3. General Safety on Halloween. As with all Halloween nights, please be sure to pay close attention to the roadways and to have some reflective clothing on and use flashlights to see where you are going. Roads will not be shut down in any part of the borough. Parents will be shuttling kids around town and we need everyone to pay close attention to what is happening. As a motorist, please be extra vigilant as you drive through residential areas. People will be milling about, and accidents can be avoided if we are all paying close attention.

Finally, HAVE FUN. It is still a holiday and one that we all enjoy with our kids and our families. Personally, I will be wearing a Cookie Monster T-shirt while my 2-year-old son (dressed as Elmo) will celebrate every new piece of candy by showing it to me and then laughing like crazy. It makes me smile every. single. time.

Just because we need to take extra precautions doesn’t mean we must forsake all the joy a little bit of candy and a costume can bring into our life. I think we could all use a little of the lighthearted laughter and love that Halloween can bring.



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