Beat The Heat This Week

As I am sure many of you are aware, this week is going to be hot. Specifically, today through Wednesday will all be over 94 degrees for a sustained period with a heat index of over 104 for the next three days. With heat levels and temperatures this high we are under a Code Red warning for the next several days. This means that there is a high possibility of heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and dehydration for everyone — especially the very young and the elderly, if precautions are not taken.

We need everyone to help check on their neighbors, friends, and family to ensure that people are not suffering in their homes under the intense heat. If air conditioning is not available in your home, please be sure to use fans as much as possible while also drinking water throughout the day. During Code Red alerts, the human body in a non-air-conditioned space will be fighting to maintain a regular body temperature. Replenishing yourself with water all day will be critical to staying safe and fighting off symptoms of heat exhaustion like weakness, nausea, dizziness, and powerful headaches.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms above and need emergency help, please call 911 as soon as possible. Lansdale Police are prepared to respond quickly to heat related incidents to help keep our residents as safe as possible during this intense heat. Obviously, if you can seek shelter in an air-conditioned space, please do so. Personally, I find libraries to be the perfect places to beat the heat for a few hours. You can relax in a comfy chair and read a book while you wait until the temperature comes back down in the evening. Lansdale Library is open 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Around Thursday the temperature is going to start to come down again (Thursday high of 88, Friday high of 77) just in time for July 4th festivities. Please be safe over the weekend and enjoy the more moderate temperatures when they arrive!


A Busy Summer Ahead!


COVID-19 Emergency Proclamation Ends In Lansdale Borough