COVID-19 Emergency Proclamation Ends In Lansdale Borough

This past week, after more than 15 months, both Lansdale’s and the Commonwealth’s emergency declarations came to an end. Let me start by thanking everyone in the community who bore the burden of this emergency: from the families who had to stay home with kids, to the loved ones that were lost, to the businesses that suffered, to the people struggling with depression and anxiety, this pandemic was one of the most challenging times any of us have ever seen and it is unlikely that many of us will ever forget it.

Personally, I will never forget struggling to work from home while managing the challenges of a toddler while also managing my emotions and stress as our community tried to find our way through the darkness. However, in that memory is something truly inspiring — all of you. So many in our community stepped forward to help one another. They offered hand sanitizer to anyone who needed it. They checked on neighbors who could not see their out-of-town family members, they imagined new ways of doing business, they got vaccinated when they could, and they expressed open and honest compassion and appreciation for those on the front lines. Our community really was a bright spot in the pandemic and highlighted why so many see Lansdale as a great place to live, work, and play.

Going forward, Lansdale is in the process of “re-opening.” We will be celebrating and hosting large events again in the coming weeks (July First Friday!), we will see businesses move toward more traditional business models, schools will re-open, and more people will go back to work, and fewer will work from home. However, I would encourage everyone to view this as a transition. Some residents and businesses are ready to cannonball into our new re-emergence world, while others are still a little leery of making that leap. Both approaches are fine and normal. I would encourage everyone to be patient with one another. Allow people to feel comfortable in whatever way they need and let them re-emerge in their own time. This is not a one-size fits all issue and each person will need to determine their level of comfort.

With the emergency proclamation ending in the borough, this means electric payments are no longer being deferred. Payment is expected on time and back payments will also come due. If you are struggling to pay any electric bill, please reach out to the Electric Department to discuss how they can work with you to create a payment plan that fits within your budget and meets your needs.

Finally, I would like to thank all the Lansdale Borough staff and police officers that worked through this pandemic. Every department played a role in keeping our community going and helping manage this far-reaching emergency. I cannot thank them all enough for their passion, dedication, and commitment to our borough. Each of them has made Lansdale better because of their work and I am honored to have worked thorough this challenge with each of you.

Earlier in the pandemic one of these articles was dedicated to seeing the hope and the light in the darkness of the pandemic. I still believe that to be true. I believe that while this emergency was terrible; it revealed the light within all of us. We came together and we persevered because we stood for one another. We need to hold onto that. It is uniquely human to empathize with others. This makes us stronger as a species because it builds a lasting community that protects and values one another that lifts us all up. Together we can keep moving forward and together we can re-emerge, finally, with confidence.


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